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Marreck: Yuda

Yuda captures a refined sense of experimentalism beneath it’s intense exterior. It sits in a unique place, somewhere between the abstract techno of the Stroboscopic Artefacts label, and the sound experiments of Beatriz Ferreyra.

Helm: Olympic Mess

‘Experimental’ music often fails to relate to any tangible experience. Compositions are marvelled at for their imagination, academic brilliance or technical wizardry, but fail to connect beyond that. With Olympic Mess, Younger has succeeded in capturing a time and a place, using murky intensity to document modern London.

Shifted: Arrangements in Monochrome (Part 1 & 2)

Shifted’s commitment to relentless, uncompromising sound is distinct, and as these EPs prove, the results are thrilling. There is a slight sense that they’re serving as a transition to the next Shifted full length, but their clarity and intensity is a reminder of the potential still held in dark, hard, techno.

Tallesen: Stills Lit Through

Tallesen’s debut album ‘Stills Light Through’ is refreshing in that it doesn’t easily fall into the category of being either ‘light’ or ‘dark’, but neither is it sterile.

Valerio Tricoli: Miseri Lares

The focus of the album is sound, pure and simple. Both musical and non-musical sources are treated as equal objects to be manipulated into a new expression.

Fennesz: Becs

Becs is perhaps the most widescreen and melodic of Fennesz’s albums so far. His approach has spawned an awful lot of imitators over the past few years, a sphere of influence that sometimes seems unacknowledged. With Becs he reminds us just how distinct his music is.

Brett Naucke: Seed

This is an album of deep headphone music, a unique analysis of texture. It floats around ideas of sound art and ambient music but mixes these with scattered electronics and fragmented field recordings.

Donato Dozzy & Nuel: The Aquaplano Sessions

The sessions here may seem a little rough and exploratory when compared to their most recent work, but they are an interesting curiosity in the history of the artists and the unique area of electronic music they inhabit.

Thug Entrancer: Death After Life

Thug Entrancer’s “Death After Life” fits comfortably alongside Daniel Lopatin’s Software Recording Co. catalogue, a twitching, wonky version of electronic music that flitters between chaos and order.

Nils Frahm: Spaces

1. An Aborted Beginning
2. Says
3. Said And Done
4. Went Missing
5. Familiar
6. Improvisation For Coughs And A Cell Phone
7. Hammers
8. For – Peter – Toilet Brushes – More
9. Over There, It’s Raining
10. Unter – Tristana – Ambre
11. Ross’s Harmonium
12. Me (Bonus Track)

Deepchord: 20 Electrostatic Soundfields

1. Driftwood
2. De Wallen
3. Lavender
4. Praying Wheel
5. Whispering Pines
6. Plankton
7. Aerosphere
8. Raval
9. Oceanic
10. Fern
11. Morning
12. Barcelona
13. Bronze
14. Lotus leaves
15. Larger Air
16. Amsterdam Remnant 6
17. Seaweed
18. Trompettersteeg
19. Day’s End
20. Rooftop

Blondes: Swisher

1. Aeon
2. Bora Bora
3. Andrew
4. Poland
5. Clasp
6. Swisher
7. Rei
8. Wire
9. Elise

Zeitgeber: Zeitgeber

A1 Closely Related
A2 These Rhythms
A3 Skin
B1 None Of Their Defects
B2 From Here
C Now Imagine
D1 Before They Wake
D2 Display 24