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Premiere: Ital – Call Me

Entirely geared toward the futuristic fringes of electronic music, Turin-based label Gang Of Ducks celebrate their third anniversary with ‘Paradisia’, an eleven-track compilation gathering Shape Worship, My Panda Shall Fly and more… Stream Ital’s warehouse melter ‘Call Me’ within.

Premiere: Abu AMA – Kufi Wood Art

Today we are premiering Abu AMA’s ambient soundscape ‘Kufi Wood Art’, the seventh track from his new album ‘Arabxo Ishara’, scheduled for release 22nd August 2016 on Bokeh Versions. ‘Kufi Wood Art’ effortlessly eschews beats for a more timbral affair of woodwind and downtempo electronica.

Lanark Artefax: Abstract Spaces

As his stunning debut EP’s just been released via Lee Gamble’s UIQ label, we caught up with Lanark Artefax to discuss the concepts of presence and disintegration, emotions in music, his first connection with UIQ and the importance of musical theory on his work.

Seekersinternational: LoversDedicationStation

Bokeh Versions debut album ‘LoversDedicationStation’ from Seekersinternational is a slightly unhinged collection of colourful things that somehow fit perfectly together. Wicked city sunshine Red Stripe slurping music!

Florian Kupfer talks up “Unfinished”

Along with the full-stream of his new ‘Unfinished’ EP, we caught up with Florian Kupfer as he talks up the record’s raison d’être, his background as a church chorist and his special relationship with the Roland Juno 106.

Eleven Into Fifteen

The tracks that glance backwards in this 130701 compilation remind the listener of the now familiar sounds that the label helped to invent. But it is the pieces that look forward, which sound new and exciting, that gesture towards the roads yet to be travelled.

Premiere: Nebulo – Rules

Following on from the first episode of his ‘Safari Suites’ released last year via Parisian label Odd Frequencies, Nebulo steps up with the second volume of his heavy-battered jungle trek on the boundary-pushing Seagrave, bursting the frontiers between brain music and intuitive body language through eight cuts of dense, archaic techno outbursts.

Stefan Schneider: A Journey to Ogoya’s Kenya

German producer Stefan Schneider shares his amazing experience in Kenya alongside drummer and percussionist Sven Kacirek – a journey that left him overwhelmed by the power and beauty of the local culture and gave birth to their collaboration with the mighty female-fronted band Ogoya & The Dodo Women’s Group.

Beatrice Dillon / Karen Gwyer

The new Beatrice Dillon / Karen Gwyer split is a study in the ways a track can be pulled apart and reconstructed, a split release that does that rare thing of presenting two artists sonically distinct but somehow connected through concept.