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Hunee: Hunch Music

Hunee’s appetite for music is pantagruelian and Hunch Music makes for a superb celebration of both sides of a musician’s work: the never-ending matrix and the punctual accomplishment. A masterpiece.

Journeymann Trax: Smoke Tape

The ‘Smoke Tape’ sound is as much that of floating across a late night city landscape as it is a sun dappled walk through a rain forest. It’s no easy feat to serve up these sounds in new contexts but Draino and the 1080p team deliver perfectly here.

Lakker: Tundra

Dara Smith and Ian McDonnell confidently depart from the restricting confines of the extended player to present a 10-track album composed of over fifty minutes of IDM induced dystopian electronica harnessing an outstanding result.

Conforce: Presentism

If somebody were to ask you what ‘sub-aquatic’ techno sounds like, ‘Presentism’ is the direction you might point them in with the caveat that whilst it is, indeed, the sound of submerged electronics, there’s absolutely a foot on the dry and precise land of the dance floor too.

Helm: Olympic Mess

‘Experimental’ music often fails to relate to any tangible experience. Compositions are marvelled at for their imagination, academic brilliance or technical wizardry, but fail to connect beyond that. With Olympic Mess, Younger has succeeded in capturing a time and a place, using murky intensity to document modern London.