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420: 420

Lustwerk made the 16 tracks during the lockdown period over the last month and he strikes you as someone who would be perfectly happy to self-isolate, hibernate and keep working on the music.

Leafar Legov: Mirror

Much effort has clearly been made to establish Mirror’s cohesive sound. Legov succeeds in pulling the listener in from the outset, providing them with a warm, welcoming realm for contemplation.

Soela: Genuine Silk

Rather than being a colloquial mesh together of singles with some filler, ‘Genuine Silk’ is a statement, a sign of the times, a partner in crime for the ambience that is your current purgatory…

Best Extended Players of 2019

Following the release of the Best Albums of 2019, we now turn our attention to the trusty format of the EP, drilling down what we consider to be the Best Extended Players of 2019.