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The Valley And The Mountain

Mysterious production collective ‘The Valley And The Mountain’ gave us the opportunity to peer through the shroud with the team who, fittingly, managed to maintain their mysterious enigma.

Oneohtrix Point Never: Garden of Delete

As baffling as it is brilliant, Garden of Delete is much like life itself: schizophrenic, beautiful, terrifying, fun, brutal and not necessarily easy to understand. And that’s what makes it such an excellent listen.

Auntie Flo: Theory Of Flo

Auntie Flo’s music is hard to place, it has been championed by the likes of Giles Peterson, Actress and Nicolas Jaar but there are elements within this body of work that might well see him open a door to another audience of artists and listeners.

Halloween: What’s going on London?

With Halloween in our shadow, it’s time to brush off those cobwebs and get freaky. As always the capital is showcasing some of the best line-ups of the year, so here’s a list of the most bloodcurdling nights that will help you on the journey to the afterlife (or after party).

Jeff Mills: Light from the Outside World at the Barbican

If classical music, at least in aesthetic terms, presents tradition and the known, then during these performances Mills electronics have succeeded by working from within and alongside it, pushing its borders outwards toward the strange and unknown.

Unsound Festival 2015

The combination of obscure venue locations, sophisticated lighting design and diverse programming carved out a strong aesthetic for the festival – Unsound impressed. Big time.