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Premiere: Akasha System – Vague Response

‘Vague Response’, due out early next month via 100% Silk, makes for Akasha System’s proper introduction to a wider audience. Deploying six cuts of smooth coastal house with a gleaming audio patina, the EP sounds like it’s put the sun in a bottle. Stream the title-track within.

Konx-Om-Pax: Caramel

Tom Scholefield’s music sounds like the work of someone who is used to visual forms of expression; analogue tones distinguish it from his animations which are often characterised by a digital sheen, but the album nonetheless lends itself to an almost synesthetic experience.

Premiere: Pjoni – VVR Asylum

Exploring the fringes of listening ease and audio curves, Pjoni’s ‘Liminal Zones’ dares going in places few want to investigate nowadays. Don’t expect a proper rhythm, no groove, no mellifluous harmony. Stream the arrythmic ‘VVR Asylum’ in full within.

Premiere: Evitceles – Thrown

Fresh off his debut release on US tape label Cloud Bank, Bulgarian producer Evitceles strikes a second time with ‘Risingvanity’ for Cologne’s Noorden, a well fine piece of understated techno flirting with the inmost depths of ambient music.