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Exael: Dioxippe

On ‘Dioxippe’ Exael branches out into less ambient terrain and explores the harder edges of electro-dub.

Music Video: Kamikaze Space Programme – Sparks

Crossing the boundaries of 3D rendered space, CCTV footage and buffering artefacts – Geso’s music video for Kamikaze Space Programme lead track ‘Sparks’ is well worth your attention.

Burial: Claustro / State Forest

Whether William Bevan is a jack-the-lad, an introvert, a gamer, is married with kids or divorced is irrelevant, he doesn’t make music for money or fame, he makes music to heal people’s souls. To rescue them.

Pataphysical: Periphera

The ever-essential 12th Isle serve some truly peripheral music as the latest addition to their catalogue from live-focussed London trio Pataphysical.

Brunnen: The Garden Of Perpetual Dreams

Rarely does an album’s title so perfectly reflect it’s narrative and mood. To listen to The Garden of Perpetual Dreams is to experience the immaculately-tended, Freeky Deeky forest of Brunnen’s mind.