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VERTV Records

For this weeks mix we shine light on a new record label from Paris, VERTV, operated by a solid group of gents with varied tastes and differing influences, but who all have a deep involvement and love for the music scene. EV4NS, Hybu and Neue Grafik serve up a swashbuckling back-to-back mix.

In Focus: DJ Deep on Deeply Rooted

Ahead of his appearance at Oval Space this weekend, we caught up with French producer DJ Deep to discover more about his Deeply Rooted imprint and his non-exclusive, cross-pollinating approach to 4/4 music.

Look Like: Mistress 09

It is fair to say that the ninth Mistress Recordings release is their most laid back to date. This isn’t to say there isn’t heft to it, that there is, but it is certainly a lot more considered in its approach and part of this is that it comes from Zurich’s Club Zunkunft resident Look Like.


Lisbon-based producer Violet is actively promoting Portuguese music through Rádio Quântica, a radio station she co-founded alongside her partner in crime Photonz. In our interview Violet discusses her subtle craft and delivers a captivating mix of acid beats, swinging house and rugged techno.

Melly: Low Pressure

After a pair of highly promising contributions to WTN?, Irish producer Melly reels back to where it all started with ‘Low Pressure’, freshly out via mother country’s flagship All City offshoot Jheri Tracks. Stream the entire release within.