Dots sits firmly at the dead serious, black-turtlenecked end of this scale. It’s a shimmering exercise in restraint, poise and cognitive infiltration; never overtly loud or intense, yet incredibly effective at worming its way to the depths of your psyche.
Results1353Broken English Club: White Rats II
‘White Rats II‘ is a definitive statement, startlingly individual, and another brick in Oliver Ho’s formidable wall of musical output
Raving under the Midnight Sun: Solstice Festival 2019
In a world of endless iterations of soulless festivals filled with advertising and mass-marketing, cliches and tired stereotypes, when something like Finland’s brand new festival Solstice emerges you’re a fool not to grab it while it lasts.
Exael: Dioxippe
On ‘Dioxippe’ Exael branches out into less ambient terrain and explores the harder edges of electro-dub.
Anthony Naples: Fog FM
Although Fog FM is not quite “arms in the air”, take your shirt off ecstasy, it is something a little bit offbeat and unique. And that’s probably why Naples is here to stay.
Rod Modell: Captagon
Rod Modell’s latest offering, ‘Captagon’, lands on no less than Tresor, and whilst it’s recognisably his work it’s also worlds apart from recent endeavours such as his latest on Astral Industries.
Burial: Claustro / State Forest
Whether William Bevan is a jack-the-lad, an introvert, a gamer, is married with kids or divorced is irrelevant, he doesn’t make music for money or fame, he makes music to heal people’s souls. To rescue them.
E.M.U: Electro Music Union, Sinoesin & Xonox Works 1993-1994
There are few bigger thrills for crate-diggers than rediscovering pieces of seminal work that slam just as hard today as they did then, and ‘Electro Music Union’ is certainly one of them.
I Hate Models: L’Âge Des Métamorphoses
I Hate Models ‘L’Âge Des Métamorphoses’ offers variations of hard-hitting drums, uptempo rushes and unrelenting rhythmic aggression – the latter certainly bearing influence, leastwise the overall sounds and mood, which shall please Perc Trax fans and the likes effortlessly.
Pataphysical: Periphera
The ever-essential 12th Isle serve some truly peripheral music as the latest addition to their catalogue from live-focussed London trio Pataphysical.
Brunnen: The Garden Of Perpetual Dreams
Rarely does an album’s title so perfectly reflect it’s narrative and mood. To listen to The Garden of Perpetual Dreams is to experience the immaculately-tended, Freeky Deeky forest of Brunnen’s mind.
GALA Festival 2019
As London’s nightlife and party scene is increasingly monopolised by the big clubs and big events, it’s important to recognise and support the grass-roots manoeuvres. GALA is a great place to start, and definitely one to keep an eye open for this time next year.
Marco Shuttle: The Vox Attitude Remixes Vol.2
Featuring remixes from Atom TM and Pessimist – Marco Shuttle has curated an extremely solid, imaginative and pumping selection that not only keeps the diggers happy but one which offers DJs tools directly aimed at the dance floor.
Funky Doodle: Live From Yellowknife
These three tracks are taken from a 2017 New Year’s morning performance by Funky Doodle, a one-off collaboration between James K, Draveng, and DJ Richard, at a small house somewhere in the rural Canadian town of Yellowknife. Despite the intentionally cheeky name, the music is anything but and captures an especially intimate ambient set from three masters of moody electronics.
Batu: False Reeds EP
Regardless of how you want to indulge in the release, the sheer range in sculpting each sound is an instrument in itself on ‘False Reeds’ that makes Batu one of the most original producers out of the UK.
Actress x Stockhausen sin {x} II at The Royal Festival Hall
On the evening of the 14th of May, Actress performed a standardly unique piece of new avant-guard music, a rehash of late classical pioneer Stockhausen’s Welt-Parliament, in no less a venue than The Royal Festival Hall at the National Theatre in London.