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DJ Richard: Eraser EP

DJ Richard is a portraitist of today’s impalpable anguishes and mystifying contradictions; and, in this regard, his latest instalment for Berlin’s Flexxseal may well be one of his finest and most essential pieces of work to date.

IA MIX 315 Myn

Myn lays down a gutsy hour-long audio trip, enveloping us in a pitch-black nightly scenario where hammering techno rubs shoulders with droney acid whorls, unhinged industrial, trap-infused hardcore and freewheeling Italo out the fiercest Giallo club sequence.

IA MIX 314 Maelstrom

Maelstrom drops the hammer down badman style, gracing us with a helluva hour-long sonic trip. Spanning from old-school classics (Dopplereffekt, The Hacker…) to present-time sweat-inducers (Norwell, Morphology, Hermeth…), it’s an angry tsunami of paced up electro madness, untamed acid and wild machine funk that’s heading over. Prepare for impact.

IA MIX 313 Tala Drum Corps

Showing off his knack for carving out lushly nuanced, immersive alien ambiences, Tala Drum Corps lays down a mix full of post-nu agey ’90s synthetic lustre, oddball ambient house dynamics and further leftfield acid divagations.