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Omar Souleyman: Heli Yuweli

The most interesting results of artistic collaboration often come from a willingness to tear it up and start again.


We caught up with London based producer Shamos to discuss his debut release on Funkineven’s Apron imprint and to give him the opportunity to present this smooth mix of shuffling house and hazed-out audio-digressions.

Tolouse Low Trax: Rushing Into Water

Tolouse Low Trax’s first instalment on Düsseldorf Themes For Great Cities spawns its own frame of significance; scripting industrial tempo automatisms and duplicated instrumental close-ups all the while shaping unexplored sound-dimensions from scratch.

Nehuen: Urban Transformation EP

In the wake of their Grafiti Tapes collection, Klasse Recordings return with KFAX, a fresh and bold new series of releases coming in the form of a riso-printed zine + QR code download. Thought-provoking dance music is in good hands.

Physical Therapy

Gracing our mix series this week, we’re glad to welcome Allergy Season top-dog and neo-Berliner Physical Therapy for a special treat of over an hour of old-school breakbeat vibing and fast-breaking techno outbursts.