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Funky Doodle: Live From Yellowknife

These three tracks are taken from a 2017 New Year’s morning performance by Funky Doodle, a one-off collaboration between James K, Draveng, and DJ Richard, at a small house somewhere in the rural Canadian town of Yellowknife. Despite the intentionally cheeky name, the music is anything but and captures an especially intimate ambient set from three masters of moody electronics.

Actress x Stockhausen sin {x} II at The Royal Festival Hall

On the evening of the 14th of May, Actress performed a standardly unique piece of new avant-guard music, a rehash of late classical pioneer Stockhausen’s Welt-Parliament, in no less a venue than The Royal Festival Hall at the National Theatre in London.

Edited Arts: Extended

“Extended offers a thought-provoking view on the absurdity of the coming omni-digital age and what it means – or what it takes – to be human
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IA MIX 304 Patricia

Electronica-infused modular techno rubbing off onto post-industrial ambient upholstery, Ravitz’s music is essentially alien and intrepidly unpigeonholeable to the bone. Patrica steps up to provide an ultra rare live recording taken from his performance at the debut edition of Bucharest’s Automata Festival – a masterclass of ultra-sensory techno grooves and playful hardware juggling.

Zamilska: Uncovered

Thematically Uncovered is a veneration of mother nature’s destructive and creative power laced with a sense of trepidation over man’s ever-arrogant encroachment on her sovereignty.