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Shinichi Atobe: Yes

“The warm and ethereal music on ‘Yes’ still bears the stamp of a singular producer, as always, doing things on his own terms” It’s likely that
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IA MIX 335 Steve Rachmad

When 100% Pure reissued Steve Rachmad aka Sterac’s 1995 opus, ‘Secret Life of Machines’ in 2012, the released coincided with the birth of the “new minimal”
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Patricia: Maxyboy

“Maxyboy is an emotionally cohesive project, much of which has a melancholy tinge” An early exponent of the dust-coated house that rose to prominence a few
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Sugar: Horsepower EP

“These are serious tracks that will do serious damage wherever they are played out” There is a Danish word “hygge” which is an idiom (according to
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