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Premiere: Minimal Violence – Under The Sign Of Saturn

Today we’re pleased to stream the sensuous ‘Under The Sign Of Saturn’, a killer halftone churner dipped in a dynamic pool of druggy, tape-saturated layers. Check that roaring blaze of debonair toms and hi-hats bursting over a light-hearted fluttering groove, whilst muted vocals keep sinking the track into a washed-out daydream. Exquisite.

Young Male announces WM008

Set to break a silence of three years and the drop of his second and latest offering for Work Them Records, the ‘Lost My E’ EP, Quinn just announced the imminent release of his second EP on White Material, a wild three-tracker oozing the same mixture of malevolent ambiences and sleek, stripped-back textures.

P Leone: The Exit 8

Spencer Parker’s Work Them Records has proved to be a hit with DJs worldwide, establishing itself as a provider of tried and tested dance floor tools. Brooklyn based producer P. Leone steps up with a 3 emotive techno tracks in ‘The Exit 8’ EP.

Route 8

Ahead of his performance at Found Festival, Route 8 taped his first ever vinyl-only podcast for Inverted Audio, gracing us with a strong mixture of jaunty filtered house and extended ambientish blends. We sat down with Horváth to talk Hungarian scene, studio modus operandi and his impressive upward trajectory.

Galcher Lustwerk, Ital, Aurora Halal, Max McFerren at RBMA Technopolis

Mitch Strashnov reports on RBMA’s effort to present the sounds of the underground that inhabit the streets from dusk until way past dawn and carve it into a celebration of local talent that would take place smack dab in the middle of its month-long “Technopolis” extravaganza.

2030: Prescience EP

Back with a third offering for French label CLFT, Italian producer Nico Campanella aka 2030 reloads the mother ship’s cannons with nerve and acumen, attractively summoning the ghosts of Drexciya, Galaxy 2 Galaxy and Der Zyklus for a timeproof, space-traveling treat.

Premiere: Post Scriptum – Donbelief

The faceless producer descends into the nether regions of evil-minded dubby techno, dishing out an infamous 4/4 roller for stranded dungeons and big-room sound systems. Don’t trust these sensuous female vocals beaconing the path like frail flares, you’re being sent into the lion’s den.