Today we’re premiering the video for U’s new track ‘Our Place’, an elusive slice of muffled, dub techno abseiling in melancholic gorges and wistful crevasses.
Results2236Premiere: Stream Space Afrika ‘Untitled B2’ from LL.M. 002
A little more than 6 months after their promising debut release hit the shelves, Phil Latch and his LL.M. crew are back to present their sophomore effort: a split four-tracker from two of their previous collaborators in the person of Annanan and Space Afrika.
Premiere: Joëlle visualises iO Sounds ‘Another Love EP’ on 2020 Vision
The celestial inspired visual landscape coded by Joëlle is a direct result of recent interface work and experimentation with trapform, mir and quartz composer.
Premiere ‘Toe Tag’ taken from Wrong Assessment & Max_M’s forthcoming EP on Parachute Records
We’re premiering the first track from Parachute Records forthcoming collaborative ‘Toe Tag EP’ featuring Milanese artist Wrong Assessment and M_Rec label boss Max_M.
Premiere: Jaga Jazzist ‘Oslo Skyline’ (Moire Remix)
It is with particular pleasure that we premiere the first extract from the box set ’94-14′ released for the occasion by Ninja Tune, that will hit the shelves of every good record stores on December 8th.
Premiere: Gut Nose ‘Filthy City’ – 17min video directed by Preston Spurlock
Director Preston Spurlock certainly found in Gut Nose’s mishmash of genres and sonic intricate structures the perfect matter to accompany his visual explorations and vice-versa. The result is a 17 minute-long psychedelic mixtape, successively superimposing cartoons-bits and saturated images.
Video Premiere: Gohan ‘Retz Conspiracy’ – Directed by Irwin Barbé
Two weeks ago, we announced the coming release of LL.M.001, an eight-track cassette compilation of techno-y experimentations and left-field digressions – Today we’re premiering the video for Gohan’s track ‘Retz Conspiracy’ directed by Irwin Barbé.
Premiere: Thomas Köner returns with ‘Tiento de las Nieves’ on Denovali
After two years of silence, ambient legend Thomas Köner returns to Denovali Records with a fresh new album and conceptual series. Stream a 17 minute extract >>
ThermalBear premieres ‘Carpe Noctem’ – Video directed by Oliver Jennings
We’re premiering ThermalBear’s ‘Carpe Noctem’, the third and final music video accompanying Derelicht’s debut vinyl release, directed by audio-visual artist Oliver Jennings.
Komon & Appleblim premiere ‘Astir’ taken from ‘Motion Blur’ EP
We’re premiering Komon’s new track ‘Astir’, the third track from their second collaborative release on Will Saul’s ever-reliable Aus Music imprint.
Killawatt premieres ‘Aeolis Mons’ – Video directed by Liam Roberts
We’re premiering Killawatt’s new music video ‘Aeolis Mons‘ an “analogue infusion of glitched wilderness, chaos and chance” directed by visual artist Liam Roberts.
The Soft premiere new video ‘Icaria’ taken from Derelicht Sampler EP
Ahead of the release of Derelicht’s debut 3 track EP, featuring new music from Thermalbear, Killawatt and The Soft, we are proud to premiere the music video for The Soft’s new track ‘Icaria’ directed by William Glass.