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Robert ÆOLUS Myers: Talisman

Robert ÆOLUS Myers, a resident of Hawaii since the mid-70s whose island-tinged electroacoustic meditations were the subject of a compilation from Aloha Got Soul in 2017. Now the fine folk at Origin Peoples are having a crack, and they’re bringing added firepower with them in the form of a live recording and clutch of remixes.

Varg: Sky City Part 1 & 2

Varg clearly remains one of the standout producers around today, regardless of his chosen field of action. ‘Sky City’ is just another (thoroughly well-executed) underlining of this – a flourish or a stark challenge to those treading the beaten-down path.

Basil Kirchin: Worlds Within Worlds

Wanna get weird? How about a supremely immersive and psyched-out early 70s masterpiece featuring spacey concrète-esque drones, manipulated bird noises and wild, Ayler-on-a-speed-bender free jazz instrumentation? …Sure!

Logos: Imperial Flood

Over the course of 9 bleak tracks ‘Imperial Flood’ carves something of a tense horror mystery…each track is poised at the precipice of being club-ready, yet slyly avoiding it. One little nudge would be enough: this LP is a weapon in the hands of a shrewd DJ, but an enigma to a less-capable one.

Mana: Seven Steps Behind

Seven Steps Behind has just the right level of bizarreness that infatuates rather than repulses and it’s that’s fickle balance between order and chaos, beauty and ugliness that make it so intriguing.

Anna Funk Damage: Here Right Now

Here donning his new alias, Anna Funk Damage, for the very first time, Andrea Natale gives birth to a menacing sound imaginarium attired with the kind of nightmarish finery you’d expect to find bordering on Freddy Krueger’s lair on a Friday the 13th.